Beauty is nourishing, alive, and inherent. My job is to notice, reflect, and celebrate it.

Photography is not only about capturing time, but also about exploring it. Each session is a contemplation, intentional and ongoing, deepening over the years. They become a profound honoring of ourselves and the winding paths that led us here. They are an acknowledgment of the perfectly imperfect present, in all of its transitory wonder. They are a nod to the future, to those versions of ourselves who will one day look back upon these images with great tenderness, for they know where all of this leads. Infused with this sense of purpose and meaning, the images we create together become anchors and talismans, a practice of embodied storytelling that celebrates your personal journey through space and time.

In 2017, I studied somatic therapy at The Pacific Center of Awareness and Bodywork, in Kauai, returning to the mainland eight months later, a changed photographer. This was largely because of PCAB’s emphasis on the psychosomatic, its diverse trauma-informed curriculum infused with studies not only of potent bodywork modalities and physical anatomy, but also of mindfulness, presence, and embodiment, somatic psychology, and affective neuroscience. Our reading lists included names like Bessel van der Kolk, Peter Levine, Gabor Mate, and Daniel Siegel. Our experiential study included Somatic Experiencing and Hokomi, as well as time learning about The NeuroAffective Relational Model(NARM), an advanced clinical training for mental health professionals who work with complex trauma. These were the realms of study that most lit me up, and continue to capture my attention today. These aspects of my education, the relational and therapeutic skills, now inform the ways in which I approach my photography. I enter into each session with a grounded sense of unconditional positive regard, a wholehearted acceptance and genuine admiration for every human that steps before my lens. I have a sense of the complexity that weaves through us all, rendering us unique, singular, and extraordinary. I see the simplicity too, the foundational belonging, the human being-ness that connects us all, rendering us inseparable, and held by the whole. From this vantage point, it is not difficult to recognize how beautiful and worthy each of us are, and to be seen in this wholeness is a powerful thing. Under such a gaze, we all settle, relax, and then bloom. Our gifts rise the surface, and our true beauty becomes readily apparent.

This is what makes my work so nourishing, to myself and to my clients. It is seasoned with the salt of my time in Kauai.

The presence and skillset that I’ve cultivated as a Somatic Bodyworker has proven profoundly applicable to my work as a portrait photographer. Drawing upon this knowledge and experience, I’m able to support clients in feeling more safe, grounded, and deeply present within their bodies. From this state of relaxed awareness, we can often offer ourselves more acceptance, compassion, admiration and respect. We become more playful, curious, and willing to explore. From both sides of the lens, photography becomes a practice of mindful wonder, a vehicle for self reflection and self embrace. The portraits that emerge from this process are powerful, capturing that part of you that is most at home in the world, your body, and your life. I am here to honor, celebrate and document the inherent beauty that lives within you.

All photographers are storytellers and given time, each finds their own voice emerging, unique and unbidden.

My stories all tell of being at home with ourselves, our families, our communities, our ecosystems, and our world.

They speak to the beauty of belonging.

We belong here, you and I.

We belong to this earth, in these bodies, with these people,

right here and right now.

We belong to this whole undulating universe, a vast and nebulous dreaming,

spitting stars like seeds, infinitely tender.

We belong to the great shimmering arc of space and time, a wonder from which no one is excluded.

Within this belonging you can rest. Be still. Stop, for a moment, your striving.

To create a life from this belonging feels different.

You can move from a sense of ease, work with a sense of play, love with a sense of freedom, move with a sense of grace, and live with a sense of perpetual homecoming.

I create images as anchors, gently tethering you to this state of being.

Embodied. Elegant. Elemental.

This is the beauty of belonging.

mother and daughter, family photography

“There have been only a few things in life that have been as transformative and impactful on my ability to see and appreciate myself as being a subject of Natalia's soulful eye.

— Colin Doyle

“Natalia is a deeply talented and uniquely gifted photographer, who captures not only physical images, but the essence of one’s soul expression. Her photo sessions, and the incredible images that she harvests, empower the heart and inspire one to move more fully toward their inner vision, and embodied experience.

— Sky Asher

“Natalia engaged a part of me that I haven’t been able to access in quite a long time. Dancing with her in the infinite realms of photography revitalized my soul and reminded me of who I truly am.

—Abram Ramal

“Natalia’s photography sessions have been akin to shamanic-level initiations into seeing myself more completely. I have struggled, cried, blossomed and surrendered under the meticulous, playful, alluring mastery of her art. Her extraordinary work is an irreplaceable gift to yourself

— Wren Farris

beauty prayer Oregon New Mexico sand authentic woman

Reach Out.

Ashland, Oregon


“Beauty is that in the presence of which we feel more alive.”

-John O’Donohue